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1 on 1 Personal Training

Get 1 on 1 training in person at one of several locations.

This is a great option for those that benefit from the accountability of having to face your coach in person.

Every workout will be custom tailored based on your previous performance, goals, and needs. This is the best way to make sure you get the results you are looking for.

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Online Health Coaching

1 on 1 video calls/feedback on a schedule that works for you.

We'll go over anything you need. From workout plans to meal prep, and building long lasting healthy habits.

Below is a list of the different services I offer and what they entail.

30 Minute Check in Call

These calls are best for people who struggle with accountability and could use an extra boost of motivation. We will go over what went well during the week as well as set goals that will help you progress even further in the upcoming week.

Custom Meal Planning

A ½ hour call where we will go over a specific plan for the upcoming week. We will discuss how to incorporate foods that will help you reach your goals while keeping your happiness and sanity.

Custom Workout Plans

Generalized workout plans just not doing it for you? Have an injury or physical limitation?

Customized workout plans can ensure you get exactly what you need from your workout plan. We will take into account any and all considerations, including the equipment you have access to, or lack thereof.

Virtual Personal Training

If you have a way to join a video call, then live virtual personal training is available to you.

We will join a live call where I can provide realtime feedback on how the workout is going, provide feedback on form, and adjust weght/sets/reps on the fly.

Workout Form Feedback

This option is for individuals who like their current workout plan but are unsure of how to properly execute any of the excercises, or are worried about preventing injury.

For the duration of your workout you can send me videos of your individual sets and I will respond with direct feedback that will help to ensure you are exercising in the safest and most effective way possible.

See Pricing